Friday, July 24, 2009

So many decisions

It's exhausting, truly, watching what you eat. You have so many decisions, every day, about what to eat.

It's not just about whether to have pancakes or All Bran(TM). It's how much cereal. How much milk? One percent? Two percent? Skim? Will I eat my cereal in a soup bowl or coffee mug? Banana? Sugar? Honey? Is it naked or not?

Combine the multiple decisions at every snack,meal, and beverage opportunity with the onslaught of media's surprising we even have time to make sure our underwear face the right direction.

With all those carbs, sugars, and fat grams to worry about.

How do you strike the balance between being knowledgeable, informed, and obsessed? I'm waiting for your answers...


  1. My 23-year-old daughter would say, "Don't worry about it. Just eat healthy and exercise. Remember, you are mighty !"

  2. And I would say that striking a balance is not an option for those who have this disability. And it is a disability. So 'being obsessed' is the only option. I stopped 'being obsessed' for a while, and now I'm 20 lbs overweight. I have to return to a recognition of and acceptance of my disability. I'm carb-sensitive. More than that, I'm allergic to carbs; I'm allergic to sugar and starch. I have a friend who has a peanut-allergy. I once handed him a piece of chocolate (I didn't know it had peanuts in it) and he said: 'Are you trying to kill me?' He is obsessed with avoiding peanuts. He has to be. A peanut is poison. To me, a carb is poison. To anyone with this disability, the answer is, when you see a carb, run the other way!
